Partnerships & Funders

The Maine Youth Leadership & Development Council supports youth communities. The organizational members collaborate with young people and communities to offer programs based on their expertise and promote cross-sector learning and leadership by sharing best practices and partnership opportunities.

The Council aims to foster healthy, thriving youth communities through complementary programs grounded in positive youth development, social-emotional learning, healing-informed, culturally sustaining, and equity-centered approaches.

MYAN is a founding member of the Council and presently serves as the administrative lead for the organizational members.

The New England Youth Organizing Network (NEYON) offers community and connection to youth leaders and partnering organizations across New England who share a commitment to social justice. MYAN participates in, learns from, and celebrates the work of NEYON partners who amplify youth voices and build youth power with a particular focus on educational justice.

The New England Youth Organizing Network is coordinated by the Center for Youth in Community Leadership in Education at Roger Williams University (CYCLE) with the NEYON Advisory Council. Each summer youth leaders attend a regional leadership conference which is planned and facilitated by young people across New England! Learn more here:

MYAN is grateful for the partnership and financial support of several organizations including the Maine CDC, the Elmina B. Sewall Foundation, WEX, and various individual donors.