Conference Registration Info

This year the Maine Youth Leadership Conference (MYLC) will be hosted at the Augusta Civic Center on November 14th and 15th. The goals of the MYLC is to promote positive connections, strengthen 21st century skills, and convene networks of organizations to increase young folks access to additional opportunities.  Below you will find additional info about conference registration and attendance.

Registration is Open!  

There’s an App! Whova Information    

 We will again be using the Whova App to guide attendees through the conference.  Schedules, agendas, workshop details, keynote speakers and more will be shared through the app. During the conference, the Whova app is used for check-in, announcements and other important updates as we move through busy conference days. Individuals and groups will also register directly through the Whova platform using the link below.  

 Once attendees register, they will get an email from Whova encouraging them to download the app and login using their registration email. If they do not receive this email (sometimes it is blocked by school servers). Participants can also download Whova through the following link: WHOVA or by downloading the app and searching for the event “Maine Youth Leadership Conference. Attendees may be prompted to enter an invitation code, E-mail MYAN for an Invitation code if needed.  

 Advisers, please support students to download this application before they arrive in Augusta! We will use it to help with check-in, and there are opportunities to use Whova to connect with other attendees, view workshop options, and more before the event.  


If you have questions about the platform, please contact us.

Sample Conference Schedule 

This is a sample schedule, detailed schedules and agenda information will be available through the Whova app. 

Day One  

 8:30am – Conference doors open! 

9:30am – Welcome Ceremony  

10:15am – Youth-led home teams // Adult welcome 

11:15am – Workshop Session  

12:20pm – Lunch!  

1:15pm – Networking & Opportunity Fair 

2:15pm – Community Advocacy & Leadership Session 

3:15pm –Breakout sessions 

4:15pm – Day One Reflections  

7:00pm – Evening community event 

Day Two

8:00am – Self-Guided State House Tours 

8:45am – Workshop Session 

10:00am – Keynote Session 

11:00am – Workshop Session 

12:15pm – Lunch! 

1:15pm – Networking & Opportunities Fair 

2:00pm – Breakout Sessions 

3:00pm– Regional Meetup and Closing Ceremony  

3:30pm – Goodbyes! 

Registration Tips  

Group Ticket Registration > 

This ticket type is meant for groups (such as schools or organizations) registering multiple people for the conference. If you are an adult advisor bringing a group of youth, please use this ticket to register your whole group at once (both youth and adults).   

  • Groups of up to 10 can be registered on one ticket. For groups larger than 10, you may need to register multiple group tickets.  

  • Please enter code “MYLC2024” when you select your number of tickets so that there is no cost– it is intended to be free, and the listed cost is only due to platform requirements.  

  • For a smooth process, start your group ticket by entering in just attendee names and selecting the “add info later” check box under each attendee name. You can then go back to finish entering registration information later.  

  • You will need demographic information about each youth participant you are registering. It’s helpful to collect this information ahead of registering, which is why we have created a Group Registration guide for Youth Group Advisors.  


Request a Group Registration Guide


Permission to Participate Waivers > 

Parents/guardians of youth will be required to sign a waiver for their child to attend the MYLC 2024. Each registration will ask for an email address to send the waiver (ideally a parent/guardian email address, however it can also be sent to a youth to do with their guardian if guardians do not have direct email access). The waiver will be emailed to attendees in a separate email after registration confirmation, the recipient can simply follow the link in the email and provide an electronic signature.  

For adult registrations, the consent question is embedded in the registration, and they will not be sent a separate waiver. 



Will meals be provided? 
Lunch will be provided during the conference on Thursday, November 14th and Friday, November 15th.  

 Participating groups are responsible for providing breakfast and dinner if they plan to stay in the Augusta area during the conference.  There will be an option for groups to pay to eat on the UMA Campus, which is right next to the Civic Center. This may be helpful for groups who do not want to leave the area between the afternoon and post-dinner programming. On the Whova app, we will publish a list of restaurant recommendations beforehand – stay tuned! Note: outside food is not permitted at the Augusta Civic Center.  

 Are there dietary and food allergy accommodations available? 

While we cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment, we will ensure all food is appropriately labeled and that options exist to accommodate a variety of allergies and other dietary restrictions. There is a question on the registration that asks participants to note any dietary needs and/or allergies.  

 Where do I park? Are there Transportation options? 

For groups or individuals who drive, free parking is available at Augusta Civic Center. 

Transportation options outside of driving are limited. There are Concord Coach buses that travel from Auburn, Bangor, and Portland to the Augusta Transportation Center. The Transportation Center is 1.5 miles from the Civic Center, and the Augusta Explorer bus may be able to provide transportation between the two. The Augusta Explorer bus system works by appointment only M-F 7:30-3:30, requires 24 hours’ notice, and there is a fare of $1.25 per person. Please see their website and contact Ellie at 859-8500 for more information 

Are there Hotels available nearby? 

MYAN has created reservation blocks in the Augusta area, which are held on a first come first serve basis. Adult chaperones should email for additional information regarding hotel options.  

Is this also for adults? 

We welcome adults who are bringing a group of young folks, as well as adults who are tabling, presenting, or volunteering! If you are interested in presenting/tabling, please apply here. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form. For any questions on this, please email

Can youth attend without an organization or school group? 

Participants 18 and under must attend with an adult chaperone. Parents or guardians are welcome to be chaperones. If youth are interested in attending and do not have a group or chaperone, please get in touch with us and we may be able to connect you to a group in your area! 

 Do you offer scholarships to help subsidize transportation or lodging costs? 

We are currently working on creating a scholarship fund and policy. Please reach out to for more information.  

 When will we know a more detailed schedule, such as keynote speakers and workshops? 

The Whova app will be updated with details as we confirm presenters. We hope to have the schedule finalized by early November.   

Can we just come for just one day? 

To fully benefit from the conference experience, as well as for continuity in our smaller peer groups, attendance at both days is strongly encouraged. There is no single-day registration option. In the past, we have made exceptions for certain groups who have conflicts that prohibit two-day attendance. If you have any questions or want to request an exception to register for only one day, please contact us. 

Have more questions or need assistance?  

Our staff is here to help, send us an email at: